Предупреждения, Friedrichshöhe


22.12 1:00 ч. сл.об. 13:00 ч. – 22.12 7:00 ч. сл.об. 19:00 ч.

Official WARNING of LIGHT SNOWFALL There is a risk of light snowfall (level 1 of 4). Height range: > 600 m; Precipitation amounts: 1-5 cm Hazard(s) to expect: slippery ground. Recommendations for what to do: Adapt your behaviour in road traffic (snow/icy surfaces, possibly reduced visibility).

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

Low temperature

22.12 8:00 ч. сл.об. 20:00 ч. – 23.12 7:00 ч. пр.об. 07:00 ч.

Official WARNING of FROST There is a risk of frost (level 1 of 2). Minimum temperature: ~ -1 °C Hazard(s) to expect: possible frost damage. Recommendations for what to do: If necessary, take precautions against frost.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

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