6.01 8:44 ч. сл.об. 20:44 ч. – 6.01 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч.
Official WARNING of WIND GUSTS There is a risk of wind gusts (level 1 of 4). Max. gusts: < 60 km/h; Wind direction: south then south-west; Increased gusts: near showers and in exposed locations < 70 km/h Hazard(s) to expect: light objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure loose objects. For example, fasten tents and coverings.
DWD, Deutscher WetterdienstWind
7.01 9:00 ч. пр.об. 09:00 ч. – 7.01 5:00 ч. сл.об. 17:00 ч.
Official WARNING of WIND GUSTS There is a risk of wind gusts (level 1 of 4). Max. gusts: 50-60 km/h; Wind direction: south-west; Increased gusts: near showers and in exposed locations ~ 70 km/h Hazard(s) to expect: light objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure loose objects. For example, fasten tents and coverings.
DWD, Deutscher WetterdienstСледващите 24 часа
Световното време днес
+12° 54°
+3° 37°
-1° 30°
+6° 43°
+6° 43°
+14° 57°
+9° 48°
+2° 36°
+8° 46°
+22° 72°
Топла и студена
Сантяго дел Естеро, Аржентина
+37.8° 100°
San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Гватемала
+36° 97°
Morolica, Хондурас
+35.1° 95°
Nueva Concepción, Ел Салвадор
+34° 93°
Roebourne, Австралия
+29.7° 85°
Þingeyri, Исландия
-12.4° 10°
Abbey, Канада
-15.3° 4°
Zyryanovsk, Казахстан
-22.2° -8°
Ulaangom, Монголия
-31.5° -25°
Suntar, Русия
-41.2° -42°