Предупреждения, Trojerov Salaš


30.06 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч. – 1.07 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч.

Heavy Rain/showers - at least 20 mm (l/m²) within a 3-hour period Causing flooding, problems in all agricultural production activities, traffic problems, possible risk of landslides and mudslides. Indirect impact on the safety of people and animals.



30.06 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч. – 1.07 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч.

Local thunderstorms with hail The risk of thunder stroke, endangered lives of people and animals, operation problems for all electrical devices, the risk of fire initiation and flash flooding, telecommunication problems, possible major damage to the property and in agriculture, especially in combination with strong wind and intensive rainfall.


High temperature

29.06 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч. – 30.06 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч.

Maximum temperature ≥ 35°C Very dangerous weather situations, especially when such weather situation continues for several consecutive days. Unfavourable weather conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy, medical control and meteoropaths. Animals are endangered . Very favourable weather conditions for the occurrence of forest and other fires. Unfavourable conditions for supply of electricity. Problems in traffic.


High temperature

30.06 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч. – 1.07 11:00 ч. сл.об. 23:00 ч.

Maximum temperature ≥ 32°C Unfavourable conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy, medical control and meteoropaths. Favourable weather conditions for forest and other fire occurrences.


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