Предупреждения, Barker Mansion

Coastal event

27.09 6:00 ч. сл.об. 18:00 ч. – 28.09 9:00 ч. пр.об. 09:00 ч.

Beach Hazards Statement issued September 26 at 10:38PM EDT until September 28 at 5:00AM EDT by NWS Northern Indiana * WHAT...High wave action, strong currents, and dangerous swimming conditions expected. Piers will be heavily swamped by waves. * WHERE...In Indiana, Northern La Porte county. In Michigan, Northern Berrien and Southern Berrien counties. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Strong currents can pull swimmers into deeper water and high waves can sweep people off piers. Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions. Do not venture out on piers.

National Weather Service

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