14.11 3:00 ч. пр.об. 03:00 ч. – 14.11 3:00 ч. сл.об. 15:00 ч.
Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Thu 5.00 - 17.00 Wind warning for sea areas: In Thursday morning and noon, probability for west to northwest gale-force winds is 40%. Areas: Northern Sea of Bothnia, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Southern Sea of Bothnia, The Quark, Western part of Northern Baltic
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+11° 52°
+10° 50°
+11° 52°
+9° 48°
+6° 43°
+11° 52°
+4° 39°
+1° 34°
+1° 34°
+27° 81°
Топла и студена
Llaillay, Čīle
+35° 95°
Leticia, Kolumbija
+34° 93°
San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Gvatemala
+32° 90°
Lethem, Gajāna
+31.8° 89°
Caicó, Brazīlija
+27.9° 82°
Saqqaq, Grenlande
-5.7° 22°
Sachs Harbour, Kanāda
-19.3° -3°
Tahe, Ķīna
-19.7° -3°
Anaktuvuk Pass, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
-27.8° -18°
Verkhoyansk, Krievija
-39.8° -40°