Предупреждения, Hitervallen


13.11 10:00 ч. пр.об. 10:00 ч. – 14.11 5:00 ч. сл.об. 17:00 ч.

During Wednesday, the west or north-west wind increases to very strong.; What happens?: A low pressure passes north of Scandinavia and it becomes windy in the mountain regions. During Wednesday, the west or north-west wind increases to very strong, 18-23 m/s.; What should I think about?: Do not hike in mountainous areas if you are inexperienced. It can be difficult to move and set up or anchor tents. There is a risk of frostbite due to degree below zero or rain.; Where?: Jämtlandsfjällen and Härjedalsfjällen; Comments: In Härjedalen and Dalarna, the wind increases from Wednesday evening.


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