Предупреждения, Slottsholmen


28.06 8:00 ч. пр.об. 08:00 ч. – 28.06 9:00 ч. сл.об. 21:00 ч.

During Friday, there is a risk of heavy rain and thundershowers that can produce 30-60 mm in a short time, which can cause problems with flooding. ; What happens: A front brings heavy rain or thundershowers during Friday, locally hail may also occur. 30-60 mm of rain can fall in a short time. The heaviest showers look set to come during the afternoon and evening.; What to expect: Traffic can be slower due to flooded roads. Risk of, for example, basements, stormwater systems, roads and viaducts being flooded.; Where: The eastern part of Götaland on the mainland, from Blekinge and northwards. Parts of eastern and inner Svealand which include Örebro- Västmanland- Uppsala- and Stockholm counties.; Comments: It is very difficult to assess where and when the heaviest rain showers will end up. Large local variations in rainfall amounts are expected.



28.06 7:00 ч. сл.об. 19:00 ч. – 29.06 2:00 ч. пр.об. 02:00 ч.

Yellow severe thunderstorm warning: Locally on all sea areas, Fri 22.00 - Sat 5.00 Strong wind advisory: From the late evening on thunderstorm wind gusts. Areas: Eastern Gulf of Finland, Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Sea of Archipelago, Western Gulf of Finland, Western part of Northern Baltic

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