Предупреждения, West Buffalo Peak


14.03 10:12 ч. пр.об. 10:12 ч. – 14.03 8:00 ч. сл.об. 20:00 ч.

Winter Weather Advisory issued March 14 at 4:12AM MDT until March 14 at 2:00PM MDT by NWS Denver CO * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow. Total snow accumulations 3 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Rabbit Ears Pass, Rocky Mountain National Park and the Medicine Bow Range, and The Mountains of Summit County, the Mosquito Range, and the Indian Peaks. * WHEN...Until 2 PM MDT this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Snow covered roads will make travel hazardous. Snow and blowing snow may reduce visibility to a quarter mile or less. Roads will be slick resulting in slow and hazardous travel. Allow extra time to reach your destination. If traveling to the mountains, be prepared for winter driving conditions. Check cotrip.org for road closures and traction laws.

National Weather Service

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