Предупреждения, Gorham Community Church

Fire danger

14.03 3:00 ч. сл.об. 15:00 ч. – 15.03 1:00 ч. пр.об. 01:00 ч.

Red Flag Warning issued March 14 at 1:30AM CDT until March 14 at 8:00PM CDT by NWS Wichita KS * Extreme Grassland Fire Danger... * Winds...Southwest 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 20 percent. * Impacts...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly and become very difficult to control. Outdoor burning should be avoided today. A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Please advise the appropriate officials or fire crews in the field of this fire weather product.

National Weather Service

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